This is our universe.

Crown Affair is a love letter to your hair—a place where aspirations and reality go hand in hand. We want to transform the way you care for your strands, so that those routines become something you love and enjoy as much as we do. It’s a journey, but this is a good place to start. Here’s to taking your time. 

A note from our founder.

“For me, haircare is a daily practice, a part of being well and caring for myself. But after years of conversations, I realized it was much more frustrating than relaxing for so many people in my life. So I decided to create a new kind of haircare brand—one with clean ingredients, effective formulations, and beautiful handmade tools you’ll look forward to using every day. Crown Affair is a love letter to those who seek to change their relationship with their hair, appreciate its natural beauty, and, most importantly, take care.”

— Dianna Cohen, Founder

The Crown Affair standard.

Learn more about our formula philosophy, quality standards, and “no” list here.

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