Top of Mind


With Intention

With Intention

By Crown Affair

Whether we are aware of it or not, every action has an intention behind it. An intention doesn't represent the action itself, but rather the way in which you choose to take action. An intention can be your “why,” your motivation, or your reason for doing what you do. Think about how different your day is when you act out of a place of love and compassion versus fear and doubt. Your whole perspective can change. You can almost feel the difference in your body.

That’s because intentions can be the causes that create incredibly meaningful effects in your life. Your intention shapes your reality and impacts how you move through the world. There is a kind of reciprocity to setting intentions—what you give to the world, coupled with the intention behind it, is what you ultimately get back. The most powerful shifts and moments of growth happen when you live less out of habit and more with a clear intent. 

Unlike setting a specific goal, intentions aren’t meant to be completed or finished. Intentions are continuous commitments that align with your personal values, beliefs, and purpose. A great time to practice intention setting is at the beginning of your week. We recommend finding a few moments of quiet on a Sunday evening, to focus your thoughts on how you want to show up for yourself and those around you during the week ahead. Your intention can be boiled down to one heartfelt word such as “easeful,” “happy,” “loving,” or “kind.” Write that weekly intention on a piece of paper and tape it to your mirror or leave it on your desk to serve as a gentle reminder to act with intention.


Prabhakar Barwe, 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 (1977)