It’s that beautiful time of year when the days are getting longer, the sun shines brighter, and we’re all eager to spend more time outdoors and in nature. As we head into this season, we want to share a few of our favorite summer-time rituals that best prepare and protect your hair, body, and mind.
There’s nothing better than soaking up the sun on a lazy summer day. These next few months offer plenty of opportunities to naturally get more Vitamin D, a unique and important vitamin that most people are deficient in. To get a healthy dose, experts recommend you get just 10-30 minutes of sun exposure midday, about three times a week. Take the time to lather up every morning with a clean SPF that contains antioxidants or essential minerals for compounded benefits. The sun can be harsh on your hair. It’s best to protect your strands by adding a moisturizing mask into your hair care routine, use a hydrating oil, or bring a hat with you when you head outside. Higher temperatures means we’re sweating more, so getting additional hydration is key throughout the summer. Invest in a high-quality, reusable water bottle that you can easily travel with and squeeze a lemon in your water for just a little extra.
You may find yourself waking up earlier because of the early sunrise. With this extra time you can create or add to your mindful morning routines. Take some time to practice gratitude, focus on breathwork, journal, or take a walk in your neighborhood. Let these months of extended daylight be a reminder for you to take a few moments out of your day that are dedicated to only you.